Monday, December 31, 2007
The Last Weekend of 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
My Home - Work in Progress Part IV
The original deadline for my home renovation was 24 Dec, so that we can shift home in time for New Year. But we subsequently agreed to postpone it to end 2007, and by the looks of it, renovation will probably be completed only 1st/2nd week of Jan. And I've been chasing my ID and giving "gentle" reminders. So I think my ID gets the idea, and promised to complete the renovation by next Sat. Hopefully he keeps to the deadline cos it has been a really long time.
Anyway, my hubby and I are generally pleased with our new place, except for some really impractical locations of the light switches on which we were not consulted. Haiz, can fume when I think about it cos our choice of applicances and location of certain stuff are affected, but what to do?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
CHRISTmas Thoughts
Anyway, after 21 weeks of school and ploughing through 10 subjects, I'm finally at my halfway mark and the start of my 3 weeks break! It has been a gruelling 21 weeks of school with 3 examination periods, and at least (from the positive side), my glass is now half full. I've another 21 weeks to go after which I can finally bid goodbye to life as a student and recommence my worklife which I have been missing.
There are a whole lot of activities planned for this coming week, and the most important day of all has to be Christmas! The season of giving and receiving (hee), and a day for us to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ - the King of kings who gave it all to be born in a stable on a quiet night many years ago. God could have chose to be born in a palace, to be born to parents influential, rich and famous. But He didn't. He chose to be born in a stable, and to parents who were just commoners with simple faith in God. His choice, I believe, reflects His love for the commoners like you and I. To show us that nobody is ever too poor, ever too weak, when we know Him. For He chose to be born in one of the most humble places ever (which of you as parents, would ever want your child to be born in a place that is only befitting for animals?),and chose a manger for His first bed. Such humility and love displayed on that Christmas many years ago.
This year, I'll be spending Christmas with my family. Just a simple dinner at my aunt's place with some cousins. And the sugar-addict me have placed order for a Christmas pastry from The Patissier - Xmas Xmas Little Stars. I surely hope the cake will taste as delicious as it sounds =)
Christmas day kicks off attending the ritual Christmas church service, followed by lunch with friends. The rest of my day will probably be spent furniture and light hunting. Yes, I'm finally moving soon! My interior designer is targeting to handover my place to me by end 2007 (oh dear, I'm gonna be 1 year older soon!), and he is chasing me to purchase the lights, heater and main door. So it's gonna be major cash outflow the next few weeks, but I believe both my hubby and I will be happy to spend the $$. We have been wanting to shift home for the longest time, and after saving up for the house renov for 2 years, our dreamhome is finally just a small step away!
So this year will be a simple but meaningful Christmas, I hope. It's time to sit back, relax (I better relax these 3 weeks before school starts..although I still have to entertain Stochastic Calculus during these 3 weeks), and just reflect on the year's passing and be grateful for the many blessings I've had in 2007.
You know, it is so easy to overlook the little blessings we have until they are taken away from us. For instance, I was having this really bad ulcer for the past few weeks..the ulcer was so bad it was literally eroding my gum away and hurt everytime I yawned (which was often - those who are students will empathise). It was so bad I resorted to applying salt to the ulcer for a few consecutive nights. I was desperate for the ulcer to go away. And when it finally did, it took me a few days before I realised that the ulcer was gone. My life was back to normal - I can finally yawn in peace - and it just didn't register that my ulcer has been healed. It was only when it hurt that I truly appreciated those non-ulcer days, and regretted my daily indulge of Almond Rocca. But when the ulcer disappears and life reverts back to normality, I barely noticed.
This is a stark reminder to myself that we can overlook our many blessings so often - I've driven to and fro from school accident-free for the past 2 terms. I've not seen a doctor for the last couple of months. My chest pains are less frequent nowadays despite my dearth of exercise. I have wonderful family and friends whom I love. I am blessed with a nice litte Acer laptop to pen my blogs on an infrequent basis. The little counts and adds to a lot if we think carefully.
To appreciate the things we have in life always, and not to value these things only when they are taken away from us, requires cultivation of a contented and optimistic lifestyle, and simple faith in God. If only I could have faith like that of a mustard seed, mountains will be moved! I'm still learning, and I'm still trying.
At this point, my thoughts are with a dear relative who is not feeling well. He was on my mind earlier when I woke up, and I was thinking of him while lying on my bed. If there is anything I wish for, I wish for all my friends and family to be well and healthy, and for them to know Jesus. It has not been easy for him, and although I don't contact him that much, I really care and really wish him well. It has been tough-going, and I guess there is no other way about it. Except I wish he knows Jesus, and I pray to God that he will know Jesus eventually. I wish him speedy recovery, and pray that if God wills, God will heal him in the most spectacular manner ever. But God's ways and thoughts are higher than mine, and I just pray that God will touch Him in a very very special way.
You may ask: Why don't I approach him and talk to him about God, about my church's miracle service? But I'm just not that kind of person. I care and God knows I care. But I hate being pushy or too preachy. I don't know if that's the right attitude. I come from a pretty superstitious family that is rooted in taoism/ fact if some of my family members were to read this blog, they would be jumping mad at me. So talking about Jesus is pretty taboo to most of my family members, although I'm glad that some of relatives have gotten to know Him too, and hopefully we can create an impact in our family.
You know, when I was younger, I used to be realy envious of others. Why can't my family be like that, why can't I go for holidays, why can't I be rich, prettier, smarter, blah blah blah. That was the age of ignorance and immaturity - failing to appreciate my blessings in life. But now, I wouldn't exchange any of my friends or family members for anybody else. Yup, I love them all. Maybe God nurtured in me a heart to love them when I accepted Jesus Christ in my life. Although I don't keep in contact with them that often, I really do care. And I really want to help in anyway that I can. I guess it's time to put action into words. I'll try, and I just hope that my busy study schedule will not take time away from leading a more meaningful life in 2008.
Monday, December 17, 2007
It's always around this time that I take to blogging to destress. This is my 3rd consecutive mini-term, and with no breaks in the earlier terms, I'm feeling a bit burnout, a bit sian, wondering why is studying taking up a huge part of my life. Can't wait for my 3-weeks break that starts officially on 22 December 3:31pm =) Although I'll have Stochastic Calculus to manage then, I'll prolly enjoy myself first before worrying about it.
Sighz. Previously when my hubby was studying alongside with me, I had more motivation. But now, a bit more difficult. My hubby is off for an overseas business trip these few days - good & bad.
- Good - No distraction, I can fully concentrate on studying. At least I wun be tempted to join him in front of the TV the next few days.
- Bad - I'm so sian. It'll prolly be dinner ta-baos and more dinner ta-baos.
Distracted me was watching Asian Idol over the weekend. Jaws dropped when Hady was announced as Asian Idol. Honestly, I don't think it was a meaningful win, becos it is obvious that the various Idols come from different cultures and each possesses varying singing styles that would probably appeal more to his/her own country than to others. Nevertheless, I was pretty impressed with the Indonesian Idol, and thought he performed really well when he sung "Angels brought me here" with Guy Sebastian - Austrialian Idol.
Oh, the sky looks a bit dark and think it's gonna pour again. It has been raining almost everyday for the past few days...perfect weather to take a nap. But I must resist!!! I was hoping to go for a short run in the evening, hopefully the afternoon drizzle will cool the air and make it an easy breezy jog.
Actually, what's heavy on my mind is the message that Pastor preached in church yesterday. He quoted a media article that covered global warming and how sea levels will rise. And with the rise in sea levels, it is a matter of time before an island nation like Singapore will be inundated with water. Apparently, Singapore has engaged Holland to prepare for this crisis. It is a scary thought. Yet I know, and I think many know too, that global warming will not cease. We probably can try to be more environmentally friendly, and with concerted effort, try to slow down global warming. But the damage has been done, and its scary what will happen in the future. I'm actually by nature an optimist, although I don't sound like one right now. But faced with reality, and knowing that it is probably out of man's hands, what can I do?
Get down on our knees to pray! The encouragement that Pastor gave is that if God can part the Red Sea, He can also protect Singapore if we go on our knees to pray and ask Him. When things go out of control, when I'm at a loss on what to do, when i'm facing the darkest of moments....I pray. And God has been my refuge and strength. He is the Rock that shall not be moved. And I am thankful that the storms can come and toss the boats all around, but He is there and at His word, the storm will be calmed. That God has stretched out His hand to me, and I have decided to place mine in His to walk the rest of this life together. I know the Lord will never leave nor foresake me. And its great to know that I can always rely on Him!
Ok its time to get back to my books. It has started to drizzle...actually I love rainy weather but only when I'm indoors =) Going to attempt to derive some meaning and love for my time series analysis readings. Wish me luck.
Monday, November 19, 2007
And we worry.
That's me, the queen of paranoia. And I can't help but worry cos this situation is going to affect others, not me. And its my fault this happened. If only I did this, if only I did that. If only I really did, the situation could have been avoided. So many "if onlys", but its all too late.
I can only continue to hope for a miracle, and ask God for the faith and hope so that I can trust in Him for a miracle. God, I really need a miracle. What ingredients do I need for the miracle to occur? Honestly, I would rather this situation happened to me than to them. But I must face up to reality and face it the way it is now..hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. Easier said than done.
I wonder whether it was God speaking to me via the abovementioned Quiet Time reading.
Honestly, my heart is heavy, and I wish this nightmare is untrue. And I am trying to avoid toking about it cos pure tok is not going to solve the problem. I can only hope a miracle will come by in God's own way. I want to continue believing. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. God is in full control of everything...and although I'm not sure why this situation occurred I want to believe that He is a miracle-generating God and this situation is in His hands.
This situation was also a path to self-discovery. It made me realized the reason why I avoid certain people and feel a tinge of discomfort when I see certain people, beneath a front that says everything is alright. You may not understand what I am blogging, but that is the whole intention. This paragraph is only for me to remind me of this part of me I've figured out recently. I just hope that the list will not get longer, and hopefully the list will shorten with time as time heals all painful memories.
A New Beginning
It was great fun getting together with my friends and seeing my sisters so often - especially since my hectic school schedule has left me with minimal social life for the past months. So these few weeks have been really fun and gave me an excuse to slack in my studies, although its time for me to pull up my socks, and get the study engine going!
Lottas of nonsense and unrestricted laughter were shared at the dinner table...not to mention the numerous photos we took with one another (gals are ultimately vain mah).
We girls literally grew up together, and I'm really happy to know that my 2 sisters have each found the ONE who will take care and love them for the rest of their lives. And I would just like to wish both of my dear friends a beautiful, blissful, blessed and God-centered life ahead with their special someone. N I hope that our friendship and bonding will stay strong always too!
PS: The first photo in this blog is my artistic attempt to capture the bridal car decoration done by my fren's sister. The car decoration was so beautiful and unique I just had to include the pic in the blog.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Hen's Nite - Loo Loo and See See
2 of my good friends are getting married over the next 2 weeks, and we had our hen's night celebrations just over the weekend.
Celebrations started with the routine checking-in into a hotel suite (this time round at Marina Mandarin), and a sumptuous treat at Spaghetties by the 2 lovely brides-to-be.
Then back to hotel for briefing and a trial dress-up in our dresses to figure out how we would all look on their BiG day(s).
Finally, it was time for the highlight of the evening's programme!
Here are the 2 brides before their transformation..
Scissors and stones to determine who has priority in choosing their accessories...
The obvious gameplan was to head to a busy area to showcase our 2 ladies, and we decided Clarke Quay would be a suitable location.
The challenge for our 2 head-turning ladies was to approach guys from different races to pose for pictures. Not too difficult for the pretty ladies...
Challenge completed !
Hotel sweet hotel..zzz
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Exams and Miracles
Thursday, October 25, 2007
- Justina is back from China and flying off this weekend. Friends meeting up this Fri, but I'm not joining cos of exams. I'm thinking of asking them to meet me for dinner for an hour or so. But will how on this first.
- Another friend, Margaret is tying the knot this weekend and I'm skipping probably the most important day in her life again because of my exams. But will certainly meet up with her after she is back from her honeymoon!
- My hubby's frens from UK are transiting through Singapore this coming Sunday and I probably can't join them again because of the BIG E next week.
Aiyo..between exams and friends....given any time, I'll gladly choose the latter, but for practical and stress reasons, I've chosen the former.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
My Home - Work in Progress Part III
Lucky we made that trip back. Once we set eyes on the tiles in my master toilet...we knew that it was not what we wanted. We love the copper-looking tiles, but the grey tiles just look terribly out of place. After staring at the half-completed toilet for what seemed like almost half an hour, we decided a change was a must. Oh dear, my ID is not going to like the bad news. And my dear hubby decided to task me with the unpopular task of conveying the news to my ID. According to him, I have better rapport with the ID - maybe its becos I enjoy toking nonsense. But anyway, my ID was really quite nice about it...he initially misunderstood and thought we wanted to change all the tiles, and sounded relieved when I told him only the grey tiles had to go.
That's the master toilet. The copper tiles are there to stay, but we will be removing the grey tiles.
Looking into toilet from the pretty (but dusty) mosaic table
That's my hubby standing inside our wardrobe - deep in thought about our toilet.The bricks for the mini-wardrobe in my masterroom is up!
Fantastically messy view from the kitchen. That's my fav slanted wall on the left. And of course, my hubby's fav mosaic table deserves mention too.
My absolutely open-concept kitchen!View from the living room into kitchen. How I wish the brick-look of that wall will be a permanent feature.
The practical and cool hollow wall in living room
Posing for a shot right in front of storeroom, hee
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My Home - Work in Progress Part II
Call me a laggard..I dun deny I'm a techie idiot..never the first the own the latest gadget in the market. Partly becos of the practical side of me (or you can also say the cheapo/thrifty side of me). Good or bad that's me..and the not so-tech advanced me is using SG wireless for the first time....well at least I've progressed lah hor.
Just went to pay my new home a visit earlier...but the workers were doing some work on the floor (laying cement I think), so we weren't able to step into our place. So the following pics are all taken from the main door/window view =) A pity I can't see my wardrobe which was being constructed when I was there last week.
Nonetheless, quite a fair bit of progress I must say. The tiles for my kitchen and study are already laid. My hubby's fav mosaic table is up, and I love the slanted wall right in the centre of the mosaic table! Only gripe is that my place doesn't look as open as I expected...especially the wardrobe area..but I guess it's a sacrifice I have to make cos I needed more wardrobe space..despite my ID's persuasion, I knew that 4 wardrobe doors just weren't sufficient for me lah. So no choice, more space for shopping to make up for the reduced space.
This is the view from my 3rd bedroom. The hollow wall on the right is my fav feature of the house (although I kinda have a new fav now too - the cool slanted wall - love it!). Anyway you are looking pass the kitchen tothe yard, and the window at the far end is where my yard is.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Home - Work in Progress Part 1
As HDB ceilings are not exactly very high, we decided to do away with false ceiling (a feature that I'm also not fan of) for most of my new place, and will have black electrical conduits running across the walls/ceilings instead. Initially, I was a little apprehensive..but my hubby and I were beaming away when we saw the black tubes traversing our walls - cool!!! One more thumbs-up to my ID.