I am hoping this will be my FINAL work-in-progress post. It has been 3 months since I penned my 1st renovation-related post, and I'm shifting tomorrow. Technically, that is. Tomorrow (at a timing strictly specified by my aunt) is the auspicious day/time for me to shift home.
After many frantic days/nights watching old TCS 8 drama serials (in case you are interested, these shows are usually screened in the afternoons and late at nights), taping up cardboard boxes (which by the way, cost me $1.50 each), stuffing the boxes, sealing the boxes, labelling them....I'm finally almost done with the packing. I was so stressed with packing that I had no mood to study till the packing was done.
Tomorrow - I'm hoping to wave goodbye to the stress of living alongside mould-infested wardrobes and flying insects after my movers finally transport the many items that make up me to my new home. But alas, the "and they happily lived forever" ending is not yet in sight.
I paid my new home a visit this afternoon (actually, it was to meet with my ID who never turned up) and realised that the most important area of my flat is not properly done - my cement floor which spans my living, wardrobe & sleeping areas is blotchy and contains tiny little holes at several sections.
I have absolutely no idea at this point in time what sort of rectification work is being done. My ID only informed me that he would try to redo the floor today so that my stuff can be moved in tomorrow. He is supposed to confirm, but he didn't. For the first time in my life, I am actually fuming at my ID. I wasn't angry when there was no work done to my place for 6 weeks, accepted the fact there would be delays to the renovation, was quite okay when he didn't showed up for today's meeting...but the fact that he is careless with the floor when he knows I am shifting tomorrow is upsetting me. I have given in to him many times, and I AM PAYING.
This is frustruating. There is no way I can postpone the shift. The auspicious date has been set (by my family), arrangements with the movers have been made, furniture is coming in the next few days, my school is starting soon..and my floor is in a mess!
While I still appreciate his creativity and think he is quite a nice person by nature though pretty disorganised, I'm wondering whether I will ever want to work with him again, given my current experience.
Argh. Hopefully it's not that bad. Hopefully he has done something about it even though he hasn't updated me like he promised. I'll just have to see tomorrow. The shift will be done, but I prolly gotta spend some more nights in my curent place.
Anyway, enough of my anger-venting. Looking from the positive angle, a lot of progress have been made in the past weeks. Here are the latest photos of my place.
Living area


Breakfast Counter

Bedroom (honestly, despite all the unhappiness,I love my bed!)

Master Toilet

Shower Area