It has been a good 3 months since I've blogged. It is a luxury to be able to sit in front of my laptop to pen my thoughts. For some reason, I always have 'better' stuff to do than to sit down unhurriedly in front of my laptop. One mantra in my life is 'Time is precious'...I'd prefer to buzz around getting things done than relaxing and doing nothing. But I'm trying to change that.
When I am in front of my laptop, I'm usually checking emails or reading financial news - my brain feels abit empty when it isn't soaked with the latest financial news of the day. Otherwise, I'll be ironing clothes while watching TV. And in the recent past weeks, I've had friends over my place which means lotsa cleaning up and packing and preparing for these gatherings.
Today is one of those days on which I have finally decided to reward myself with a bit of blogging. Arghh, there's still ironing to do and an evening jog later, but well let me pen down some thoughts first.
Thoughts for 2009:
1) Thankfully in the midst of the mega financial crisis, I have found a job. There're still classes everyday, so I do not really feel like I'm doing actual work. But come March when training ends and I'll be an official working professional. I am still unsure of the actual work hours I'll be clocking, but I'll definitely try to work hard. I pray and hope that it'll be a conducive work environment. God had led me to this job - given that this function was not what I initially applied for and I wasn't sure I would clear the numerous rounds. But it happened and I'm hoping that I will be able to contribute & value-add in many ways to this organisation.
2) I have changed. There is a practical streak flowing in me now.
From the girl who loved screamingly loud colours like shocking pink and cheery orange, I've evolved to become a black-and-white person. I think I have been partly influenced by the basic colours in my home - there is only room for grey, black, white and a bit of red items. All other colours are strictly no-no. Recent updates to my wardrobe were generally black and white items - partly because they are easier to match, and also because these colours are more invisible to perspiration stains. And oh, skirts/pants should be black or dark coloured because light coloured bottoms get dirty easily. The shopperholic in me has been restraining from purchasing more footwear for work. I used to have at least 8 pairs of work shoes and these have dwindled to half the number. And all of them are covered-toes for that professional image.
3) I now prefer to simple things in life and I think it has to do with age. Regular visits to expensive restaurants are now reserved only for blue moon events. Nothing to do with tightening the purse strings though...its just that I have discovered my inner love for local food and the best local food are served at hawker centres and coffeeshops (just look for the longest queues), not posh nosh restaurants. But I will never tire of the Wagyu Beef at Shiro, the only beef steak that I enjoy from Mortons and the great dining experience at Ember. These will be the restaurants I pop into for the occasional indulgence.
4) I am postponing my dream purchase of a Mini-Cooper and staying loyal to my almost 4-year old Colt. COE prices are at a low, and there is a temptation to switch to my dream car. No other car will do. But the depreciation rates are disgustingly high and it makes no sense to purchase a new car when I am better off saving the money for investments.
5) I have started attending cell group - something I have postponed for years. I hope attending cell will help me grow closer to the Lord. I am still adjusting to the new church, but I know in time I will. I know that just as Lord had led me to my current job, He had also led me to this church.
6) Getting rid of the old pessimistic self and learning to realise that there is no point getting upset over events out of my control. I am consciously trying to be positive and making the best of my situation, especially when I'm treading on unfamiliar grounds. With a new workplace & a new church, I feel tired at times. But I know in time, all will work out well.
7) I have found a love for baking. And I can officially claim that I am a better baker & cook than my hubby =)
8) I still love shopping, watching movies, and continue to have an insatiable appetite for chocolate. But I am hoping to find time to do a bit of regular reading.
9) I am starting to experience the decrease in metabolism with age increases. Its not difficult to figure out the solution to the following equation:
Older Age + Lower Metabolism + Same Intake of Calories + Perennial Love for Anything Chocolate + Constant Inner Debate on How to Make Exercise More Enjoyable
This is why I have to go for that evening run later...not to mention the chocolate truffle cake I had yesterday and the yummilicious peannut butter cupcake the day before.
10) I hope to continue my interest in keyboard. With zero music background and more workload coming my way, I hope to continue attending keyboard classes and improving my keyboard skills. I play once in a while now..I'm not great, but at least I can sing and play simple rhythms.
Now that my thoughts have reached a perfect 10, I think it is an appropriate to end my first blog for 2009. I hope I will accomplish much and all that I wish for. Will definitely update in my first blog for 2010.
When I am in front of my laptop, I'm usually checking emails or reading financial news - my brain feels abit empty when it isn't soaked with the latest financial news of the day. Otherwise, I'll be ironing clothes while watching TV. And in the recent past weeks, I've had friends over my place which means lotsa cleaning up and packing and preparing for these gatherings.
Today is one of those days on which I have finally decided to reward myself with a bit of blogging. Arghh, there's still ironing to do and an evening jog later, but well let me pen down some thoughts first.
Thoughts for 2009:
1) Thankfully in the midst of the mega financial crisis, I have found a job. There're still classes everyday, so I do not really feel like I'm doing actual work. But come March when training ends and I'll be an official working professional. I am still unsure of the actual work hours I'll be clocking, but I'll definitely try to work hard. I pray and hope that it'll be a conducive work environment. God had led me to this job - given that this function was not what I initially applied for and I wasn't sure I would clear the numerous rounds. But it happened and I'm hoping that I will be able to contribute & value-add in many ways to this organisation.
2) I have changed. There is a practical streak flowing in me now.
From the girl who loved screamingly loud colours like shocking pink and cheery orange, I've evolved to become a black-and-white person. I think I have been partly influenced by the basic colours in my home - there is only room for grey, black, white and a bit of red items. All other colours are strictly no-no. Recent updates to my wardrobe were generally black and white items - partly because they are easier to match, and also because these colours are more invisible to perspiration stains. And oh, skirts/pants should be black or dark coloured because light coloured bottoms get dirty easily. The shopperholic in me has been restraining from purchasing more footwear for work. I used to have at least 8 pairs of work shoes and these have dwindled to half the number. And all of them are covered-toes for that professional image.
3) I now prefer to simple things in life and I think it has to do with age. Regular visits to expensive restaurants are now reserved only for blue moon events. Nothing to do with tightening the purse strings though...its just that I have discovered my inner love for local food and the best local food are served at hawker centres and coffeeshops (just look for the longest queues), not posh nosh restaurants. But I will never tire of the Wagyu Beef at Shiro, the only beef steak that I enjoy from Mortons and the great dining experience at Ember. These will be the restaurants I pop into for the occasional indulgence.
4) I am postponing my dream purchase of a Mini-Cooper and staying loyal to my almost 4-year old Colt. COE prices are at a low, and there is a temptation to switch to my dream car. No other car will do. But the depreciation rates are disgustingly high and it makes no sense to purchase a new car when I am better off saving the money for investments.
5) I have started attending cell group - something I have postponed for years. I hope attending cell will help me grow closer to the Lord. I am still adjusting to the new church, but I know in time I will. I know that just as Lord had led me to my current job, He had also led me to this church.
6) Getting rid of the old pessimistic self and learning to realise that there is no point getting upset over events out of my control. I am consciously trying to be positive and making the best of my situation, especially when I'm treading on unfamiliar grounds. With a new workplace & a new church, I feel tired at times. But I know in time, all will work out well.
7) I have found a love for baking. And I can officially claim that I am a better baker & cook than my hubby =)
8) I still love shopping, watching movies, and continue to have an insatiable appetite for chocolate. But I am hoping to find time to do a bit of regular reading.
9) I am starting to experience the decrease in metabolism with age increases. Its not difficult to figure out the solution to the following equation:
Older Age + Lower Metabolism + Same Intake of Calories + Perennial Love for Anything Chocolate + Constant Inner Debate on How to Make Exercise More Enjoyable
This is why I have to go for that evening run later...not to mention the chocolate truffle cake I had yesterday and the yummilicious peannut butter cupcake the day before.
10) I hope to continue my interest in keyboard. With zero music background and more workload coming my way, I hope to continue attending keyboard classes and improving my keyboard skills. I play once in a while now..I'm not great, but at least I can sing and play simple rhythms.
Now that my thoughts have reached a perfect 10, I think it is an appropriate to end my first blog for 2009. I hope I will accomplish much and all that I wish for. Will definitely update in my first blog for 2010.
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