Monday, June 27, 2011

Domestic Worker II

A week after the arrival of my maid, the saga continues.

It was Sat morning. I spotted ants crawling in the top drawer of my kitchen cabinet and upon closer scrutiny, there were even more ants in the drawer below. When I opened the drawer, there were ants congregating around a brown spot on the lid of my nutella jar.  Neither my hubby nor myself had recently eaten nutella and my in-laws do not consume nutella. So the culprit needs no guessing.

My maid had obviously helped herself to the spread even though I had told her that she can only eat specific foodstuff on her first day of work.  And she did not even bother to wipe her traces clean.  Thanks to her carelessness, an army of ants now attest to her theft and blatant disregard for my instructions. 

My immediate reaction was one of fury, and I gave her a piece of my mind. She gave me the same reason - she forgot. Even if she really forgot, she should have the common sense to know that not all foodstuff in her employer's home are for her consumption. And she even had the cheek to tell me that she had wiped the drawer and its contents the day before when she noticed the ants.

I don't enjoy reprimanding my maid as it stresses me out. As it is, I woke up the next day with a gnawing headache (again) and cut my fingers twice - which is very unlike me. At the rate I am going, I will suffer from a panic attack or sever my hand in the next month. That's when I decided I have to look at things differently. There is really no point stressing myself out over a maid, no matter how much she infuriates me. 

So I will treat her as a test of my patience and keep my cool as much as possible. I hope I can hang on long enough while we are living under the same roof.  But I really can't wait to get her out of my home. In the meantime, I recognise I need a maid at home so a lousy one is better than none. Shortly after I made my decision, I discovered food residue (what's new) on the colander. So I decided to just rinse it away instead of telling her off.

From my observations, she seems to be someone who pampers herself. From the nutella incident, her preference for hot showers (my previous maid showered with unheated water), her choice of imitation LV bag and purse, and the pair of sequined jeans she wore when I first met her, she is probably someone who enjoys the finer things in life.  It's just too bad she does not possess the right working attitude that will give her family and herself a better life. 

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