Dining Area (I couldn't help noticing that the owners kept corridor windows closed everytime I visited)This beige door leads to the storeroom, on the left is a bedroom and the right is the kitchen
A simple and clean kitchen
A pretty spacious yard...
Common toilet
Main view of living room
Here's the bedroom..also in the resort colours of brown and beigeToilet looking abit worn out...but well, doesn't matter lah
The sink looks quite modern though, dunno whether I can keep it
After the purchase, my hubby and I spent a few months of frantic search for an interior designer (ID), we were really impressed with Kelvin from Intent, and decided to engage him.
I don't fancy tiles, cos I don't like the monotony of square/rectangular pieces pasted all round the flat..not to mention that tiles can cost a bomb! In a bid to kill 2 birds with 1 stone (the 2 birds being my non-preference for tiles and saving $$), we decided to go with the cool-looking and original cement flooring =) My ID initially tried to persuade us to drop the idea of having cement floor as such floors are subject to cracks and will leave stains due to its porous nature. But when he brought us to another client of his who has cement flooring.. we loved it! And thus, it was concluded that cement it shall be. Finally, my renovation is going to start soon!
I finally collected home keys on 12 Jun. Wat are my frens doing? Living room..nice and spacious! I'm not too excited about the window grilles though
Here's the storeroom...prolly one of the most important room for me, since i'm forever buying and not throwing =) Spare room
Common toilet
Door leading to the master..come come..
Here's the combined master bedroom
Master toilet
The view while walking out of the master bedroom
Hee, took snapshots of Teacher S, and Ex-teacher J
N how can we miss out the pretty bunny gal?
We are going for an open concept with as few doors and as much glass as possible. The colour theme will be mainly white & grey, with splashes of colour (I love bright and loud colours eg. fuschia pink, but have deferred the main colour theme to my hubby since he will be footing most of the bill, hee. But white & grey also quite cool too lah, just abit cold, and very un-me). My flat will be undergoing an extreme makeover. New walls, a mosaic breakfast counter, glass wardrobes, and a limestone bed. The new walls are my favourite - they are made up of bricks with slanted slits...to me, it is probably the coolest part of the house. It is also practical cos it helps to block out my corridor window, which means I can sit in any manner I want when I watch TV! This wall was also my ID's key design concept that had me sold. Current status of my place is as shown in the pictures below: What a mess huh!
*Shock* all over my face The clump of sand is where my spare room will be. Walls to kitchen are down..nice!

Renovations officially starts next week. I certainly can't wait for its transformation into my cool dream home!